sustainable design & green buildings
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tools for sustainable design
building performance metrics
ecbc update workshop, new delhi, december 2012
envirotech 2014: conference on emerging green technologies for msmes, chandigarh, december 2014
green interiors
hvac market assessment and transformation approach for india - report launch and stakeholder workshop, new delhi, august 2014
international seminar – net zero energy buildings in india under pace-d ta program, new delhi, may 2013
international seminar – net zero energy buildings in india under pace-d ta program, new delhi, may 2013
low energy comfort system workshop under pace-d ta program, new delhi, march 2013
open studio training
professional training program on facade design optimization using equest 25th april, 2015 @ iihs, bangalore
sustainable interiors
thoughtful cooling - a workshop on cooling interiors efficiently and sustainably
training programs on energy efficient / solar green buildings
crescent school of architecture, chennai
chennai, mumbai, bangalore, delhi
kuala lumpur, malaysia
rachana sansad institute of environmental design, mumbai
rachana sansad, mumbai
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eds conducted 5 training programs funded by the mnre scheme for energy efficient/ solar green buildings. three student programs and two professional programs were conducted across four cities. the program reached out to 130 participants comprising of architects, engineers, vendors, real estate consultants, faculty and students. the objective of all the programs was to help students and professionals develop technical skills that are required to design passive solar and energy efficient buildings. participant testimonials can be found here <a href="http://tinyurl.com/njcuy5s">http://tinyurl.com/njcuy5s</a>
eds conducted a workshop for students on 'building performance metrics' for the igbc chennai chapter to support their initiative to create awareness on green buildings. about 58 students from crescent school of architecture, srm school of architecture, few p.g students of civil engineering attended the program. the workshop emphasized on demystifying the technical terms used to measure building performance. simple and effective rules of thumb were taught to encourage application in practice. case studies of projects were presented to communicate how theory can been implemented in practice. the three hour workshop was highly engaging and interactive which was also reinforced from the feedback received from participants and organizers.
eds conducted two day training program on using openstudio modeling ecosystem to effectively model the energy and lighting performance and consumption for new and existing buildings. this program was organized by the united nations development programs building sector energy efficiency project, malaysia program unit (bseep-undp). eds faculty developed the instructional content and facilitated the training program. a diverse group of 25 participants comprising of architects, engineers and consultants attended the program.
eds gave a presentation on 'passive cooling techniques' at the workshop on 'thoughtful cooling' organized by rachana sansad's institute of environmental architecture and the indian institute of architects (brihan mumbai centre). the objective of this workshop was to disseminate information about cooling buildings interiors more efficiently and equip architects, faculty and students with design tools, knowledge and skills to comply with stringent codes and laws related to building energy efficiency. the program was sponsored by the state of geneva, switzerland under the 'fair conditioning' program. more information on the program can be found at <a href="http://tinyurl.com/qh5wbut">http://tinyurl.com/qh5wbut</a>
eds was invited to conducted one day professional development program organized by the design triad – a young upcoming architecture practice in bangalore. the program covered fundamentals and technical terminologies of environmental aspects applicable during design, construction and occupancy stages per leed commercial interiors (ci) rating system.
envirotech 2014 conference was organized by the indian industry association, confederation of indian industries (cii). environmental design solutions were the knowledge partners to cii. for india to become a low carbon economy and leading manufacturing hub of south asia, it is imperative that green technologies are explored for sustainable development, and the industry itself is moved on toward adoption of green technologies for its operations. the conference was organized to evaluate the options available for indian entrepreneurs interested in venturing into green technologies. barriers, finance options and most promising technologies were covered during the day long conference held at chandigarh. public sector officials, policy makers and entrepreneurs from punjab, haryana, uttar pradesh, himachal pradesh, rajasthan and jammu and kashmir attended the event.
the international nzeb seminar was organized to build awareness amongst stakeholders and enable policy makers to understand the nuances of policy and regulatory frameworks needed for a cohesive nzeb policy for india. the seminar also showcased existing net-zero energy projects from india and abroad to help stakeholders understand the technical feasibility of wider application of nzeb’s across the country. experts from usa, europe, and japan attended the conference to discuss the progress of their respective countries in encouraging nzebs. memorandum of understanding (mou) was signed with two pilot projects to provide on- going technical assistance for design and implementation of nalanda university and uttar haryana bijli vitran nigam (uhbvn) an office building as nzeb pilot projects. the conference was organized under the usaid pace-d ta program. eds is the building energy efficiency expert in the usaid pace-d ta program, a 20 million usd, 5 year bilateral program between governments of united states of america and india. focus of the program is on accelerating clean energy, energy efficient and renewable energy technologies in india.
this one day professional training program saw a successful turnout of 70 participants including interior designers, architects and students. the growing interest in this topic was evident from the enthusiastic participation that resulted in a highly interactive program. the program covered green concepts for interior design including daylighting, interior lighting, glass and finishes, material selection and indoor environmental quality. ashwini deodeshmukh from godrej interio and roshni udyavar from rachana sansad institute of environmental architecture presented their research work on the 'impact of furniture and finishes on vocs and indoor air quality'. a workshop handout was given to all participants to help them make note of key technical criteria for every component of an interior fit-out project in order to develop a roadmap for 'sustainable interiors'.
this professional development program on green interior was customized for architecture students of marg institute of design and architecture swarnabhoomi (marg). focus of training was on fundamentals and technical terminologies of environmental aspects as applicable in an interior fit out project.
we reached out to more than 100 students from about 40 colleges over the 3 iterations of our workshop. students learned to use the good old psychrometric charts, thermal comfort models, bio climatic charts, sunpath diagrams, shadow mask etc to understand response to climate and sun. at the end of the day, they identified and applied passive design strategies. simple software tools such as climate consultant and solar tool were demonstrated to show application in design.
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57th annual nasa (national association of students of architecture) convention at midas
fair conditioning
marg institute of design and architecture swarnabhoomi (midas)
ministry of new and renewable energy (mnre)
undp-bseep (building sector energy efficiency project)
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